— Sports

Olympic chief marks Japan’s pride week with LGBTQ event

TOKYO (AP) – The head of the Tokyo Olympics on Tuesday took part in an event marking Japan’s LGBTQ pride week at a center in the capital, as activists and dozens of lawmakers also pushed for an equality law to be enacted before the games begin in less than three months. Seiko Hashimoto visited Pride House Tokyo, an international initiative to connect with LGBTQ people and others during the games. The first Pride House was set up during the 2010 Winter Games.


Japan is the only country in the Group of Seven major industrialized nations where same-sex marriages are not legally recognized. Last month, a Japanese court ruled that same-sex marriage should be allowed under the constitution, although the ruling has no immediate legal effect.

“We need to take action now,” Hashimoto said, adding that she wants people to remember the Tokyo Games as a “turning point in achieving diversity and harmony, including understanding for LGBTQ” issues. Hashimoto also toured the Pride House and met with other LGBTQ activists, including athletes, for talks.


Elsewhere in Tokyo, over 40 lawmakers and their aides from the ruling and opposition parties – all wearing matching rainbow-colored facemasks – and activists and supporters gathered in person and online for what they dubbed a Rainbow Parliament event to push for the enactment of an LGBTQ equality act. Tennis tremendous and equal rights advocate Billie Jean King also sent a video message of support.

Late last month, activists submitted a petition with over 106,000 signatures to Japan’s ruling and opposition parties, calling for an equality law before the Tokyo Games begin on July 23. They say momentum for the law is growing as Japan gets more attention over its handling of gender equality, diversity, and other rights issues.

“We hope to speed up an enactment of the equality act,” Yuri Igarashi, co-chair of the Japan Alliance for LGBT Legislation. Kanako Otsuji, an openly lesbian lawmaker from the main opposition Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, said she was a target of bullying at school: “I was often called a ‘manly girl’ and bullied.”

“Many people cannot speak up because of fear of discrimination. Then how can we change the situation? Legal protection is the only way,” she said. “For the children of the next generation to not face this kind of bullying, we need anti-discrimination laws.”

Gon Matsunaka, who headed Pride House Tokyo and led Hashimoto on tour, said the sports world remains unfriendly to LGBTQ people because of its gender specificity. “In many sports, players are divided between men and women. In sports, masculinity is often emphasized because of competition in speed and power, and sexual minorities are often made fun of or harassed,” Matsunaka said.

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Molly Aronson

I'm an award-winning blogger who enjoys all things creative but is especially passionate about lifestyle design. I blog over at mehlogy.com I love that I get to share my passion for healthy living, fashion, fitness, and travel with readers from all over the world.

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