— Health

Covid-19: List of 21 less common coronavirus symptoms

An expert has warned there are 21 coronavirus symptoms outside the four best-known warning signs. An expert has warned that there are 21 coronavirus symptoms to look out for, and most feel like a common cold. Since the pandemic, a new persistent cough, a high temperature, and a lack of taste and smell have been highlighted as critical symptoms.

One scientist said people need to “urgently know” more than just the three classic signs. Professor Tim Spector, from King’s College London and lead on the Covid Symptom Study app, has now said that these symptoms could be different depending on how much protection you have had from a vaccine.

Cases of the virus have risen by 18 percent in the last week in the UK, data from the ZOE team states.

In those who are unvaccinated, there are around 15,099 new infections.

In comparison, there are 4023 new cases in partly or fully vaccinated people.

Data from the app shows that the positivity rate is much higher in people with a first dose than those who are double jabbed. Prof Spector said that since early on in the pandemic, data from the app showed more symptoms than the three classic ones listed by the NHS.

“People urgently need to know there are more than just the three classic symptoms,” he explained.

“The top symptoms currently logged in the Zoe app are headache, runny nose, sneezing, fatigue, and sore throat, which for many will feel more like a common cold. “The earlier people catch the infection, the quicker they can self-isolate until symptoms decrease and stop the spread.

“We encourage anyone feeling under the weather to take a test as soon as possible and stay home.”

Around one in 264 people in the UK are currently estimated to have symptomatic covid, but what are the main 21 symptoms people have logged through the app?

1. High temperature (fever)

2. Chills or shivers

3. Persistent cough

4. Loss or change of smell

5. Loss or change in taste

6. Headache

7. Unusual tiredness

8. Sore throat

9. Sudden confusion

10. Skin rash

11. Changes in the mouth or tongue

12. Covid fingers or toes

13. Shortness of breath

14. Chest pains

15. Muscle pains

16. Hoarse voice

17. Diarrhoea

18. Skipping meals

19. Abdominal pains

20. Runny nose

21. Sneezing

Prof Spector also highlighted that symptoms might be different for people with varying protection levels.

Millions of vaccines have been rolled out across the UK.

The government has set out to jab all adults by next month to curb infections and hospitalizations from the disease. So far, 43.4 million people have had the first dose, while 31.7 have had a second. “After two doses of the vaccine, headache is still number one, runny nose number two, sneezing, sore throat,” Prof Spector explained.

“If you have had a single dose, it’s pretty similar, except persistent cough comes in at number five.

“If you’ve not had any vaccine, you will still get a headache, sore throat, runny nose, and much more likely to get a fever and persistent cough.

“Things are a bit different; you can see how the vaccine prevents you from getting more of the classic symptoms. If you have had a vaccine, fever is not in the top five, so don’t rely on this to indicate whether you are infected. He added that it was unclear whether this shift in symptoms was due to the Delta variant and that more data would be needed to determine this.

Molly Aronson

I'm an award-winning blogger who enjoys all things creative but is especially passionate about lifestyle design. I blog over at mehlogy.com I love that I get to share my passion for healthy living, fashion, fitness, and travel with readers from all over the world.

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