— Health

How to Effectively Manage Urinary Incontinence

Urinary incontinence, or overactive bladder, is the involuntary release of urine from the bladder. Although it is a condition anyone can experience, older people are at a higher risk of having it. It is also more common among older women. This condition may be embarrassing, keeping people from carrying on with activities they usually do. The severity of urinary incontinence can range from leaking once in a while when sneezing or coughing to not making it to the toilet when the feeling of urinating is hard to control.

While urinary incontinence is not deadly, it does impact your life. It can affect your disposition and reduce your self-confidence. You may not want to socialize, work, or participate in physical activities. Your sexual health can also suffer when you cannot manage your urinary incontinence.

Although the condition happens more frequently as people age, it isn’t an unpreventable outcome of aging. Improving urinary incontinence may include a few dietary adjustments and lifestyle changes. Below are some helpful tips for managing urinary incontinence. Additionally, you can use MoliCare’s products which offer various incontinence products for your comfort and convenience.

Urinary Incontinence

Avoid bladder irritants

There are some liquids that the bladder may have difficulty processing. Often referred to as bladder irritants, these liquids may worsen the symptoms of urinary incontinence. Some include caffeine, alcoholic beverages, and drinks with high citrus content. Limiting your intake of these fluids or avoiding them when you can be best. Another irritant is tobacco, which irritates your bladder lining and increases the risk of developing bladder cancer.

Schedule visits to the toilet

It would help to schedule visits to the toilet every two hours in the daytime. To start, you may want to plan your toilet visits every hour and extend the breaks in time. The regular urinating schedule is about six times daily, including before leaving home or retiring at night. When you schedule your urination, it helps keep your bladder from filling up, which prompts you to rush to the toilet.

Address constipation issues

If you have difficulty passing stools, the pressure on your pelvis and bladder increases, contributing to urinary incontinence. A healthy diet of fiber-rich foods can help with constipation. Drinking eight glasses of water daily is also essential to staying hydrated. Doing this can address your constipation issues while filling your bladder and emptying it effectively.

When to visit your doctor

It may be time to visit your doctor when you notice bladder issues, including cloudy urine, difficulty emptying your bladder, experiencing pain while urinating, or observing blood in your urine. You may also need to consult if you urinate more than eight times daily.

Urinary incontinence may not be uncommon, but it is still best to take steps to manage the condition. It can be uncomfortable and affect the quality of life. If you are unsure how to address the issue or find yourself unsuccessful in handling it effectively, consult your doctor for the best course of action.

Molly Aronson

I'm an award-winning blogger who enjoys all things creative but is especially passionate about lifestyle design. I blog over at mehlogy.com I love that I get to share my passion for healthy living, fashion, fitness, and travel with readers from all over the world.

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