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Madeleine McCann’s parents post heartbreaking message to mark her 18th birthday

Maddie McCann would have turned 18 today, and her parents have shared a heartbreaking message to mark their missing daughter’s birthday.

Madeleine McCann’s parents “hang on to hope, however small,” that they will be reunited with their “lovely” daughter one day as they remember her on the painful 14th anniversary of her disappearance today – just days before she would become an adult.

In a brief but passionate message posted online and exclusively reported by The Sun, Kate and Gerry wrote: “This year it is particularly poignant as we should be celebrating Madeleine’s 18th birthday,” sombrely adding: “Enough said.”

It continued: “As we have said repeatedly, we need to know what has happened to our lovely daughter, no matter what.

“We are very grateful to the police for their continued efforts. We hang on to the hope, however small, that we will see Madeleine again.”

Former GP turned medical worker Kate, 53, and heart doctor Gerry, 52, opened their heartfelt message on the Find Maddie website and Campaign Facebook page by stating: “Every May is tough – a reminder of years passed, of years together lost, or stolen.”

They said that “the COVID pandemic has made this year even more difficult for many reasons, but thankfully, the investigation to find Madeleine and her abductor has continued”.

Madeleine McCann

The pandemic has also forced them to cancel their annual gathering to mark Maddie’s birthday for the second year.

The couple from Rothley, Leicestershire, thanked their legions of wellwishers and supporters, revealing: “We still receive so many positive words and good wishes despite the years that have gone by. It all helps, and we are truly grateful – thank you.”

Their post is accompanied by an iconic picture of a beaming young Maddie emblazoned with the words: “Thank you for not giving up on Madeleine”.

Kate and Gerry will remember their daughter privately behind closed doors after an outdoor prayer gathering was again canceled for a second time due to coronavirus restrictions.

They will spend the Bank Holiday at home with 16-year-old twins Sean and Amelie – nine days before Maddie’s milestone birthday on May 12.

The McCanns usually attend the Sacred Heart Catholic Church near their home before walking a mile to a war memorial to join supporters in prayer.

Local churches yesterday broadcast services on YouTube that included prayers for “stolen” Madeleine.

A candle still burns around the clock at the village center at Cross Green as a beacon of hope for the world’s most famous missing child.

Three-year-old Maddie vanished from a holiday apartment in Portugal’s Praia da Luz on May 3, 2007.

She had been left sleeping alone with her younger twin siblings while her parents were dining in a nearby tapas restaurant with pals.

But despite 14 years passing since her disappearance, Kate and Gerry will “never stop hoping” to find their daughter, a close relative has said.

Maddie’s great uncle Brian Kennedy explained: “It is hard at times to think of how long this loss has been, but we never stop hoping.

“Gerry and Kate have been great survivors and are fortunate to have a huge support still out there.”

The retired headteacher, 81, added: “We’re just grateful that police are still searching. It gives us hope.”

British cops have requested new funding to carry on the $22 million global search for her, which is set to be approved by the Home Office.

Convicted pedophile and rapist Christian B, 44, remains the prime suspect in Maddie’s abduction.

The Sun exclusively revealed that German investigators have reportedly been given fresh leads into Christian B’s background – raising hopes of more clues into the notorious cold case.

This article originally appeared in The Sun and was reproduced with permission.

Molly Aronson

I'm an award-winning blogger who enjoys all things creative but is especially passionate about lifestyle design. I blog over at mehlogy.com I love that I get to share my passion for healthy living, fashion, fitness, and travel with readers from all over the world.

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