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Beak & Skiff CBD Sparkling Water Review

More exciting than plain water and way healthier than sugar and caffeine-laden sodas or juices, one of my favorite ways to stay hydrated daily is with flavored seltzers and sparkling water. With no sugar or calories and tons of flavors to keep things fresh and exciting, they’re the perfect way to ensure you get the H2O you need throughout the day without adding extra empty calories.

Now, a 5th generation family-owned business that started by selling apples in their Lafayette, New York orchards over 100 years ago is innovating how we drink our fizzy water beyond fun flavors. Branching out from their apple orchards, Beak & Skiff Research is debuting their new USDA Certified Organic CBD-infused Sparkling Waters as a unique and refreshing way to stay hydrated and relaxed.

Sparkling Water

With a bubbly, subtly sweet, tangy, and herbal taste, this new Beak & Skiff CBD-infused sparkling waters are available in Blood Orange and Black Cherry flavors. They’re made with typical sparkling water ingredients like filtered water, natural organic flavors, and carbonation. But it’s the full-spectrum CBD inside that makes these waters unique. Each can supply you with 20mg of USDA-certified organic CBD extract from hemp grown and bottled on Beak & Skiff’s historic farm.

With popularity growing exponentially over the last few years, CBD (which stands for cannabidiol) is a natural compound in the hemp plant called a cannabinoid. The benefit of cannabinoid compounds like CBD is that they can attach to receptor sites in your body known as the endocannabinoid system (ECR), which can have various health benefits. While many of CBD’s health benefits are still being unraveled, studies have shown that CBD can be an effective and natural way to calm anxiety, reduce pain, and improve sleep. Many users of CBD products also report better focus and memory, improved mood, and help with depression. While the benefits of CBD will be unique to you, at the very least, you should be feeling more chill.

If you’re worried about taking CBD, don’t be. Completely safe, CBD is often confused with another cannabinoid found in the marijuana plant called THC, which is responsible for giving a sense of “high”. Better yet, an actual one. Here’s where most people get confused: while hemp is the same plant species as marijuana, it is cultivated to contain only the tiniest trace amounts of THC. It’s the law. According to the 2018 Farm Bill, any product labeled with CBD must have less than 0.3% THC, or it will instead be classified as a cannabis product. So, CBD does not get you high, and these sparkling waters won’t, either.

Molly Aronson

I'm an award-winning blogger who enjoys all things creative but is especially passionate about lifestyle design. I blog over at mehlogy.com I love that I get to share my passion for healthy living, fashion, fitness, and travel with readers from all over the world.

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