— Health

People aged between 40 and 49 will soon be able to register for the Pfizer vaccine in NSW

Around a million people in NSW aged between 40 and 49 could get a Pfizer COVID-19 jab at the new purpose-built vaccination hub at Sydney Olympic Park within weeks. Premier Gladys Berejiklian announced the “exciting” development at the opening of the government-run Homebush hub on Monday. “People aged 40 to 49 can register their interest in getting that Pfizer injection from 5 pm today at nsw.gov.au,” she said.

She said about a million people are in that age group among the six million adults in NSW.

For the first two weeks, the vaccination hub will be open to people in categories 1a and 1b – emergency and aged care workers, frontline workers, and their families.

From Wednesday, anyone 50 or older can register for the AstraZeneca vaccine at the hub from May 24. The premier says it’s still preferable that anyone 50 or older get vaccinated by their GP, who knows their medical history. “If you don’t have a GP or don’t have access to a GP, or you find it difficult getting to them, you can book with us from May 12 and get your jab from May 24,” she said.

Pfizer vaccine

NSW Health said no new local COVID-19 cases were recorded in the 13,768 tests undertaken in the 24 hours until Sunday night. Coronavirus restrictions imposed across Greater Sydney last Thursday will remain in place for another week, except customers in shops will no longer be obliged to wear masks.

‘Missing link’

Chief Health Officer Kerry Chant said while it remained unclear how an infected Sydney man caught the virus last week, the only person he’s passed the virus on to so far has been his wife. Genome sequencing confirmed he captured the same strain of the virus that infected a returned US traveler.

“Unfortunately, we haven’t found that missing link,” Dr. Chant said.

“We have tested everyone near this gentleman, (so) the contact with the infectious person must have been very fleeting.” However, there could be undiscovered chains of transmission in the community, she added. The NSW government expects the Homebush hub will be able to administer 30,000 COVID-19 jabs per week. It will operate six days a week from 8 am to 8 pm in a state-of-the-art specially fitted outbuilding.

Ms. Berejiklian said NSW was ramping up the effort to vaccinate as many people as soon as possible.

“We’re getting close to 700,000, but we’ve got a way to go,” she said.

Health Minister Brad Hazzard noted it was 15 months since COVID-19 had arrived in Australia. “It’s been a war ever since. We’re fighting back, and this (vaccination hub) is our headquarters for the NSW Health team,” he said. The continuing restrictions mean that household gatherings remain capped at 20 people for the next week, masks are compulsory on public transport and in indoor venues such as theatres and aged care homes, and singing and dancing remain mostly banned.

Molly Aronson

I'm an award-winning blogger who enjoys all things creative but is especially passionate about lifestyle design. I blog over at mehlogy.com I love that I get to share my passion for healthy living, fashion, fitness, and travel with readers from all over the world.

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