
Vladimir Putin says Russia-US relations ‘at lowest point in recent years’, praises Donald Trump

Vladimir Putin has been asked what he thinks of Joe Biden, labeling him a “killer,” Thee reply wasn’t what anyone expected. Russian leader Vladimir Putin has revealed relations with the US are in a rut with President Joe Biden in office, comparing the new Commander in Chief to the outgoing Donald Trump. In an address leading up to the pair’s anticipated face-to-face in Geneva, Putin admitted the bilateral relationship between Russia and the

The US “has deteriorated to its lowest point in recent years”. Tensions between the two nations ran high this month after the Pentagon announced sending Ukraine a $150 million military aid package. The world was again reminded of Russia’s ongoing battle over disputed territory when satellite images of Russian military build-up on the Ukraine border were released in April. Footage of hundreds of Russian tanks fuelled speculation over another push from the superpower to claim land along the eastern boundary.

With Biden now in Europe on an eight-day visit to discuss relations with international leaders, all eyes are on how the US President will deal with his recent qualms with the Russian commander.

Biden recently labeled Putin a “killer” when prompted in an interview with US ABC’s George Stephanopoulos following the poisoning of Russia’s opposition leader Alexei in March.

Biden previously claimed Putin “had no soul”, revealing the controversial leader would “pay the price shortly”. The US Commerce Department retaliated to the poisoning of Navalny by toughening export restrictions.

In a new interview with US network NBC, Putin spoke candidly about his opinions of the two most recent presidents, labeling the billionaire Trump “an extraordinary and talented individual” who is “radically different” from his “career man” successor Biden. “He (Trump) is a colorful individual. You may like him or not. But he didn’t come from the US establishment; he had not been part of big-time politics before, and some like it, some don’t, but that is a fact,” Putin said.

“(Biden) has spent virtually his entire adulthood in politics … That’s a different kind of person, and it is my great hope that yes, there are some advantages, some disadvantages, but there will not be any impulse-based movements on behalf of the sitting US president.” In an email statement released on Saturday, Trump sarcastically wished Biden luck for his upcoming meeting with Putin.

“Good luck to Biden in dealing with President Putin — don’t fall asleep during the meeting, and please give him my warmest regards!” the former President said before applauding his diplomatic relations with the superpower. Mr. Trump said the “Russian hacker” narrative pushed by Democrats in the 2016 election presented problems when dealing with Mr. Putin but praised himself for overcoming the diplomatic hurdle.

“As president, I had a great and very productive meeting in Helsinki, Finland, with President Putin of Russia,” he continued. “Despite the belated Fake News portrayal of the meeting, the United States won much, including President Putin’s respect and Russia’s respect.” “Because of the “phony Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax” made up and paid for by the Democrats and Crooked Hillary Clinton, the United States was disadvantaged — a disadvantage that I overcame.

Molly Aronson

I'm an award-winning blogger who enjoys all things creative but is especially passionate about lifestyle design. I blog over at I love that I get to share my passion for healthy living, fashion, fitness, and travel with readers from all over the world.

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